Herman & Gerita de Wilde | The power of a multigenerational team
In this video, Herman and Gerita de Wilde, pastors of the Reggestroom church in Enter, the Netherlands, talk about great changes in their church, building of a multigenerational team and the importance of external connections.
Petre Petrov | Answering the Macedonian call to build a church
Petre Petrov, the President of the Evangelical Churches in North Macedonia with responsibility for around 40 churches, including church plants, tells us about local Macedonian churches, their passion, challenges and needs. Petre’s vision is to raise up the next generation of young leaders who will become church planters across the Macedonian nation.
Heinrich Töws | New building for the church in Minden, Germany
A new episode of Activate Insight with German pastor Heinrich Töws about their journey as a church called Immanuel Fellowship, getting a new church building and plans for a new season.
Chima Igwe | Growing a great international church in Espoo, Finland
Our new episode of Activate Insight looks at the life of a Nigerian man who became a missionary because of a clear call from God. Watch the video to find out how he moved to Finland and started a great international church.
Solomon Okumu | A life story and partnership with Activate Network
An exciting new episode of Activate Insight: A Kenyan pastor (Solomon Okumu) talks about his life and his partnership with Activate Network.
Wayne Neuper & Ryan Kingsley | Church Story: Part 2
An amazing story of the church “City on a Hill Church” in Johannesburg, South Africa, shared by its planter (Wayne Neuper) and its fourth leader (Ryan Kingsley).
Wayne Neuper & Ryan Kingsley | Church Story: Part 1
An amazing story of the church “City on a Hill Church” in Johannesburg, South Africa, shared by its planter (Wayne Neuper) and its fourth leader (Ryan Kingsley).
Ant & Helen Rist | Part 2: Activate Network
In this second part of the interview with Ant and Helen Rist (Forest Town Church, St Albans, UK) they tell us about their partnership with Activate Network, their vision and understanding of the purpose of their relationship with Activate Network.
Ant & Helen Rist | Part 1: Church Planting
In this video, Wayne Neuper talks with the leaders of Forest Town Church (St Albans, UK) – Ant and Helen Rist. They are happy to share their story of how they came to plant a church, how it all began and how it is working today.
ACTIVATE+ | Opinions of Participants (Part 2)
In this video, some participants talk about why they signed up for Activate+, what they have learned during the training an why their mentor is so important for them.
ACTIVATE+ | Opinions of Participants (Part 1)
Activate+ is our practical and goal-orientated training and mentoring program for church planters, for leaders of existing churches and for people who want to make a difference in the kingdom of God. We train leaders to inspirationally and passionately lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. We help the participants to further God’s kingdom wherever they are, to generate growth, to adventure out in new directions or to take first steps and start new churches. In this video, some participants talk about why they signed up for Activate+ and what their personal highlight is.
Rahel Wesner | StrengthsFinder-Coach
An important aspect of our Activate leadership training is to help the leader develop a greater understanding of his identity and where his strengths lie. Once he understands this he can better lead himself and his team.
Rahel Wesner has become a valued partner and friend in assisting us to this goal. She is a certified consultant for the „StrengthsFinder“ assessment method. Wayne recently interviewed her for us.
Albert and Natalja Laitenberg | „Source of Life“, Kazakhstan
Miraculously healed from a serious illness!
In this Activate Insight video, Albert and Natalja Laitenberg from Kazakhstan tell us how they share the love of God in their country. They speak about God’s miracles in their own lives and why they are so passionate about leading others to God.
Petr Böhm | Evangelijski Center Nova Gorica
In 2001, Petr Böhm planted a church in Nova Gorica (Slovenia). In this episode of Activate Insight, we get a closer look into the history, background and vision of the church there, the “Evangelijski Center Nova Gorica”.
Lighthouse Hunsrück | George Bassada
In this episode, George Bassada tells us what the Lighthouse Hunsrück is all about and what his vision behind it is.