

Inter-church outreaches in the network

  • The vision of ReachOut is to help young people in particular those who have leadership potential, to discover a heart for the nations and to give them the opportunity to participate in inter-congregational outreaches as an enrichment for their lives and their development as leaders.
  • This in turn would enable the relationships and friendships among the churches working with Activate Network to deepen and would result in the church receiving ministry being encouraged and supported.
  • In the first phase we want to enable 20 teams to do outreaches in Germany and around the world.


  • Church visits nationally and internationally

Visiting a church with which contact already exists to strengthen and support the church, e.g. with preaching ministry and worship ministry.

  • Relief work

Practical help with different emphases, e.g. with building projects, evangelistic outreaches or with mercy outreaches.

  • Special training and education

Supporting Activate+, marriage seminars, leadership trainings or conducting an Activate Connect day


LEADER: Karsten Stolle

PLACE: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TYPE OF OUTREACH: We provide practical help and support and serve the local people with what we have.

DATE: 01-09.04.2024

LEADERS: Ilya and Rosa Sychev

PLACE: Senftenberg, Germany

TYPE OF OUTREACH: Strengthening and encouraging Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking church

DATE: 5.11.2023, 31.03.2024

LEADER: Lukas Müller

PLACE: Eberswalde, Germany

TYPE OF OUTREACH: The focus should be on establishing contacts between young people. There should be space for young people to connect with each other.

DATE: 03.11-05.11.2023


Below are the planned outreaches for 2024 The list will be updated regularly. Updates will be posted here. Check back regularly for more information.

If you have any questions or would like to be part of our outreach team, email us at or use the email in the table.

LEADERS: Julius and Rachel Böckmann

PLACE: Eberswalde, Germany

TYPE OF OUTREACH: The emphasis is on encouraging young couples and families (so feel free to join us as a young family).

DATE: 14-16.06.2024

COSTS: on request


LEADER: Jakub Hauzner

PLACE: Turnov and Jablonec, Czech Republic

TYPE OF OUTREACH: Volunteering in a youth camp (for children aged 10-15) – practical work and help, helping with the programme (short sermon, singing, sketches…), working with children in small groups. It is important that foreign volunteers speak English.

DATE: 15-19.07.2024 (Turnov), 22-26.07.2024 (Jablonec)

COSTS: About 120 EUR per participant. The cost includes materials for the programme, food, camp T-shirt, location rent, etc. The foreign staff (it’s an English camp, so there are always some Americans) were staying in families or sleeping in a sleeping bag in a gym.


LEADERS: Marko and Tabitha Trompler

PLACE: Impact Geithain, Germany

TYPE OF OUTREACH: We want to get to know and encourage the church. The focus will be on everyday issues, the strengthening of families, Christian values and relationships. For the team we are looking for flexible people who would like to reach out to others and build up the families. The church has young families with children.

DATE: 25.08.2024

COSTS: possibly travel expenses, otherwise none


LEADER: Ruben Metzke

PLACE: Kathmandu, Nepal

TYPE OF OUTREACH: From the capital, Kathmandu, we will travel to more remote areas in the low mountain range area, encouraging the churches we are in contact with and supporting our community projects to serve the local people. We plan to achieve this through practical work, seminars, visits to local churches, organising worship services, etc.

DATE: 20.09. 20.9 – 7.10.2024 (15 days)

COSTS: approx. 1600 – 1800,-€ per participant (including flight costs, accommodation, meals and local travel costs).

CONTACT DETAILS:, 015201951767

LEADER: Gerfried Schmidt

PLACE: Schwerin, Germany

TYPE OF OUTREACH: Training and Activate Connect

DATE: in planning

COSTS: Everyone finds their own accommodation


LEADERS: Sergey and Oksana Osypenko

PLACE: Nova Gorica, Slovenia

TYPE OF OUTREACH: a weekend trip to spend time with the local church

DATE: in planning (July or August 2024)

COSTS: Further information will follow


LEADER: Karsten Stolle

PLACE: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TYPE OF OUTREACH: Building project. We are building a small building for meetings, school and storage. We need people who know how to work with bricks, concrete and wood, or can be trusted to work with these too.

DATE: 1st and 2nd week of March 2025 (exact time to be determined)

COSTS: approx. €800 – €1500 per participant (includes flight, accommodation, meals and local travel costs, varies depending on the number of people travelling)


LEADERS: Wayne Neuper with Heinrich Töws

PLACE: Sandefjord, Norway

TYPE OF OUTREACH: Supporting the “Menigheten Vintreet” church plant

DATE: in planning

COSTS: Further information will follow



Talk to us during one of our events near you or get in contact via the link below.