On Saturday 1 July, our annual women’s conference „Strahlend“ took place. The theme was “Speak, Lord” and we were not wrong in our choice. Once again, we have been reminded of the importance of hearing directly and personally from God, of being in touch with the Holy Spirit and being led by Him as our Lord wants us to be. God is constantly transmitting his voice, we just need to open our hearts to hear him.

The Bible tells us some stories of women longing for God’s word. But is there any change today? Apparently not. We still have this longing for deep intimacy with him. The nearly 200 women who attended the conference were proof of this.

The prophetic words and impressions that we received on Saturday will certainly be kept in our hearts and we will seek to hear more from the Lord.

We sincerely thank Helen Rist for serving with her gifts and for sharing what she’s passionate about. Thanks to the leadership team, organisers and everyone who helped make this conference possible.