Leadership for all generations

Part 42: The differences between the generations have grown

Understanding the generations can give us a powerful clue on how to be culturally sensitive and connect with people of different ages. Due to the differences between the generations becoming more marked in the last decades, we should no longer be simply asking what nation does someone come from, but also what generation are they part of? Celebrating or just acknowledging the differences in our generations will make the workplace a place of more peace and harmony.

Part 43: In a healthy family you find all generations

In a healthy family you find all generations. When leading a church, one reflects God’s family and all generations should be present as well. If it is not the case, the leader should recognize the urgency of the situation and do everything in his power to change it.

Part 44: Recognise and use the strengths of each generation

Every generation contributes something unique to a group or a family. When we recognise this we start to value the other generation instead of seeing that generation as the enemy. If we are wanting to communicate our message to a particular generation then it is crucial to be in regular contact with this generation. This leadership impulse will help you to do exactly that.

Part 45: Understanding Generation Y and Z better

How does Generation Y and generation Z think? In this video you will find a short list of some of the unique characteristics of these generations as an introduction to this vast subject.

Part 46: Make your church a place young people love

The central question is: what can we do to become a place where young people feel at home? In this video Wayne explains the 4 key areas which could help you to create this place.