Strong instead of exhausted

Part 38: Strong instead of exhausted

Leaders are constantly challenged and live with abnormally high stress levels. To live a life in abundance, as Jesus promised, requires checking that the storage facilities which release life are constantly replenished.

Part 39: Emotional energy consumption is difficult to measure

Many things in life can be measured. But we use emotional energy every day without thinking much about it. With this video we want to draw your attention to a subject which is often ignored.

Part 40: Managing your energy stores well

We all have only a limited amount of energy at our disposal. In this video we give some practical tipos on how you can manage your energy resources effectively.

Part 41: Managing your energy stores well (Part 2)

We all have only a limited amount of energy at our disposal. This week, in part two of our topic, we continue with further tips on how you can manage your energy resources more effectively.